Today: Monday - 24 March 2025
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Today Holidays
Colombia: Feast of San José
Argentina: Day of Remembrance for Truth and Justice


1401 - Turko-Mongol emperor Timur sacks Damascus.
1603 - James VI of Scotland also becomes James I King of England.
1731 - Naturalization of Hieronimus de Salis Parliamentary Act is passed.
1765 - American Revolutionary War: The Kingdom of Great Britain passes the Quartering Act that requires the Thirteen Colonies to house British troops.
1832 - In Hiram, Ohio a group of men beat, tar and feather Mormon leader Joseph Smith, Jr..
1837 - Canada gives African men the right to vote.
1868 - Metropolitan Life Insurance Company is formed.
1878 - The British frigate HMS;Eurydice sinks, killing more than 300.
1882 - Robert Koch announces the discovery of the bacterium responsible for tuberculosis (mycobacterium tuberculosis).
1900 - New York City Mayor Robert Anderson Van Wyck breaks ground for a new underground "Rapid Transit Railroad" that would link Manhattan and Brooklyn.
1907 - The first issue of the Georgian Bolshevik newspaper Dro is published.
1923 - Greece becomes a republic.
1934 - U.S. Congress passes the Tydings-McDuffie Act allowing the Philippines to become a self-governing commonwealth.
1936 - The longest game in NHL history is played between Detroit and Montreal. Detroit scored at 16:30 of the sixth overtime and won the game 1-0.
1944 - Ardeatine Massacre: German troops kill 335 Italian civilians in Rome.
1944 - World War II: In an event later dramatized in the movie The Great Escape, 76 prisoners begin breaking out of Stalag Luft III.
1958 - Elvis Presley is officially inducted into the U.S.Army.
1959 - The Party of the African Federation (PFA) is launched by Léopold Sédar Senghor and Modibo Keita.
1965 - NASA spacecraft Ranger 9, equipped to convert its signals into a form suitable for showing on domestic television, brings images of the Moon into ordinary homes before crash landing.
1972 - The United Kingdom imposes "Direct Rule" over Northern Ireland.
1973 - Kenyan track runner Kip Keino defeats Jim Ryun at the first-ever professional track meet in Los Angeles, California.
1976 - Argentina's military forces depose president Isabel Perón and start the National Reorganization Process.
1980 - Archbishop Óscar Romero is killed by right-wing terrorists while celebrating Mass in San Salvador.
1986 - The Loscoe gas explosion leads to new UK laws on landfill gas migration and gas protection on landfill sites.
1989 - Exxon Valdez oil spill: In Prince William Sound in Alaska, the Exxon Valdez spills 240,000 barrels (42,000 m³) of petroleum after running aground.
1998 - Jonesboro massacre: two students, ages 11 and 13, fire upon teachers and students at Westside Middle School in Jonesboro, Arkansas; five people are killed and ten are wounded.
1998 - A tornado sweeps through Dantan in India killing 250 people and injuring 3000 others.
1999 - Kosovo War: NATO commences air bombardment against Yugoslavia, marking the first time NATO has attacked a sovereign country.
1999 - Mont Blanc Tunnel Fire: 39 people die when a Belgian transport truck carrying flour and margarine catches fire in the Mont Blanc Tunnel.
2003 - The Arab League votes 21-1 in favor of a resolution demanding the immediate and unconditional removal of U.S. and British soldiers from Iraq.
2006 - Long-term protests in Belarus are broken by police.
2008 - Bhutan officially becomes a democracy, with its first ever general election.



18 MarchAnniversary of the Death of President Said Mohamed Cheikh
30 MarchEnd of Ramadan (Eid El Fitr)
31 MarchEnd of Ramadan (Eid El Fitr)
1 AprilEnd of Ramadan (Eid El Fitr)
1 MayLabour Day
25 MayAfrican Liberation Day
29 MayAnniversary of the Death of President Ali Soilih
5 JuneSacrifice Feast (Eid El Adha)
6 JuneSacrifice Feast (Eid El Adha)
26 JuneIslamic New Year (El am Hejir)
5 JulyDay of Ashura (10 dzień Muhharam)
6 JulyIndependence Day
20 SeptemberBirth of the Prophet (Mouloud)
26 NovemberAnniversary of the Death of President Ahmed Abdallah
25 DecemberChristmas
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Union of the Comoros
Union des Comores, الإتـحـاد القـمـري, Al-Ittihad al-Kumuri, Udzima wa Komori
Union of the Comoros - FlagUnion of the Comoros - Coat of arms
Union of the Comoros - Location
Capital: Moroni
Official languages: Arabic, Comorian, French
Government: Republic
Currency: Comoro Franc (KMF)
Population: 671 247
Area: 2 170 km²
Religion: Islam
Time Zone: UTC +3
Auto Code: COM
Internet TLD: .km
Calling code: +269
Corporate Income Tax: 50%
Personal Income Tax: 30%
Value Added Tax: 10%
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